Tracce di Viaggio è un progetto artistico che esplora il tema della migrazione attraverso un'installazione di neon, basata su disegni realizzati da giovani migranti. Questi disegni, creati con il solo ausilio della memoria e della percezione, rappresentano i percorsi intrapresi dai migranti dal loro paese di origine fino alla destinazione europea. La scarsa cognizione geografica dei ragazzi ha dato vita a rappresentazioni frammentarie e simboliche, che ho poi tradotto in neon di colore rosso. Paola D'Alessandro ha disegnato una mappa geografica reale, collocata accanto ai neon. Questo contrasto tra la mappa precisa e le tracce disegnate dai migranti crea un dialogo visivo potente, mettendo in luce la distanza tra la realtà vissuta e la percezione soggettiva del viaggio. Tracce di Viaggio astrae in forma visiva l'esperienza complessa e spesso traumatica della migrazione. L'uso del neon rosso è un simbolo di urgenza e pericolo, evocando le difficoltà e i rischi affrontati dai migranti durante il loro viaggio. La scelta di utilizzare disegni creati dalla memoria dei giovani migranti sottolinea l'importanza della percezione soggettiva e della narrazione personale nella comprensione del fenomeno migratorio. Questi disegni, pur nella loro apparente semplicità, racchiudono storie di speranza, paura e resilienza. Il confronto con la mappa geografica reale, disegnata da Paola D'Alessandro, aggiunge un ulteriore livello di profondità all'opera. La mappa precisa rappresenta la realtà oggettiva, mentre le tracce dei migranti riflettono una realtà vissuta, frammentata e spesso distorta dalle esperienze personali. Questo dialogo tra le due rappresentazioni invita lo spettatore a riflettere sulla complessità del viaggio migratorio e sulla distanza tra la percezione individuale e la realtà geografica. Tracce di Viaggio, non solo sensibilizza sulle difficoltà affrontate dai migranti, ma celebra anche la loro forza e determinazione.
Tracce di Viaggio is an artistic project that explores the theme of migration through a neon installation, based on drawings made by young migrants. These drawings, created with the aid of memory and perception, represent the routes taken by migrants from their country of origin to their European destination. The limited geographical knowledge of the youngsters resulted in fragmented and symbolic representations, which I then translated into red neon. Paola D’Alessandro drew a real geographical map, placed next to the neon. This contrast between the precise map and the traces drawn by the migrants creates a powerful visual dialogue, highlighting the distance between lived reality and the subjective perception of the journey. Tracce di Viaggio visually abstracts the complex and often traumatic experience of migration. The use of red neon is a symbol of urgency and danger, evoking the difficulties and risks faced by migrants during their journey. The choice to use drawings created from the memory of young migrants underscores the importance of subjective perception and personal narrative in understanding the phenomenon of migration. These drawings, despite their apparent simplicity, encapsulate stories of hope, fear, and resilience. The comparison with the real geographical map, drawn by Paola D’Alessandro, adds an additional layer of depth to the work. The precise map represents objective reality, while the traces of the migrants reflect a lived reality, fragmented and often distorted by personal experiences. This dialogue between the two representations invites the viewer to reflect on the complexity of the migratory journey and the distance between individual perception and geographical reality. Tracce di Viaggio not only raises awareness about the difficulties faced by migrants but also celebrates their strength and determination.
Tracce di Viaggio is an artistic project that explores the theme of migration through a neon installation, based on drawings made by young migrants. These drawings, created with the aid of memory and perception, represent the routes taken by migrants from their country of origin to their European destination. The limited geographical knowledge of the youngsters resulted in fragmented and symbolic representations, which I then translated into red neon. Paola D’Alessandro drew a real geographical map, placed next to the neon. This contrast between the precise map and the traces drawn by the migrants creates a powerful visual dialogue, highlighting the distance between lived reality and the subjective perception of the journey. Tracce di Viaggio visually abstracts the complex and often traumatic experience of migration. The use of red neon is a symbol of urgency and danger, evoking the difficulties and risks faced by migrants during their journey. The choice to use drawings created from the memory of young migrants underscores the importance of subjective perception and personal narrative in understanding the phenomenon of migration. These drawings, despite their apparent simplicity, encapsulate stories of hope, fear, and resilience. The comparison with the real geographical map, drawn by Paola D’Alessandro, adds an additional layer of depth to the work. The precise map represents objective reality, while the traces of the migrants reflect a lived reality, fragmented and often distorted by personal experiences. This dialogue between the two representations invites the viewer to reflect on the complexity of the migratory journey and the distance between individual perception and geographical reality. Tracce di Viaggio not only raises awareness about the difficulties faced by migrants but also celebrates their strength and determination.
Tracce di viaggio, red neon lights , 50x50 cm, 2023